The Insidious Truth Behind Industrial Byproducts: OurRole as Industrial Waste Filters in a Profit-Driven System

Mar 24, 2024
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The cast of characters in this saga includes fluoride (a fertilizer byproduct), canola oil (Rapeseed Byproduct used for motor oil), and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) from corn processing—substances not merely discarded, but ingeniously repurposed into our diets and daily routines. This maneuver is not just about dodging disposal costs; it’s a calculated part of a larger, more nefarious cycle of profit that benefits the elite at our expense and I’ll show you how.

This scheme to turn profit unfolds in three chilling acts, revealing just how deep the exploitation runs.



First, companies save massive amounts by not having to dispose of by products safely. Fluoride, canola oil, and HFCS, titanium dioxide and many others—originally seen as waste—are transformed into ingredients of the products we consume, bypassing the costs and logistics of proper waste management.



Second, the food and consumer goods industries step in, incorporating these byproducts into our food ingredients and products, there by spreading these substances even further into our lives. This move marks a second wave of profit for the initial waste producers and embeds the by products deeper into the consumer market, all under the guise of innovation and necessity.You may say oh but what about the FDA? Well it is simply cheaper to pay them off and lobby in Washington to change the laws and get politicians in your pocket than it is to just do the right thing and dispose of the waste material.



Third, when the inevitable health consequences of continuous exposure to these byproducts arise, ranging from mild to severe, the pharmaceutical industry sweeps in with a "solution." Often linked to the original waste producers, they offer treatments and medications for the ailments caused by the very byproducts they've spread, profiting yet again from our misery getting you on a lifetime of medication and never mentioning what could be the cause.



The Bitter Truth: We're Paying with Our Health

This system is alarmingly effective, turning us into biological filters for their industrial leftovers. As a result, we're left grappling with a host of health issues. The stark reality is that this system has contributed to a society where many of us are increasingly unhealthy, battling weight issues, and chronic diseases directly linked to the substances we're ingesting and applying daily.



It's a hard pill to swallow: our health and well-being are being compromised for the sake of industrial convenience and corporate profit margins. We're caught under the thumb of a system that treats our bodies as conduits for waste disposal, a system that values profit over our health.



Time for a Wake-Up Call

This isn't just a wake-up call; it's a rallying cry for change. We must demand accountability from these corporations and seek out healthier, more sustainable alternatives that respect our well-being and the environment. By recognizing our role in this toxic cycle, we can start to dismantle it. Our health is not a commodity, and we should no longer accept being used as filters for industrial waste.



The time has come to reject this exploitative system and advocate for a future where our health and the planet are prioritized over the endless pursuit of profits. We deserve better than to serve as unwittingparticipants in this cycle of exploitation. Let's unite for a healthier, more transparent future, free from the grip of those who profit from our sickness.

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